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About TriYoga®

The inspiration and guidance for TriYoga comes from Yogini Kaliji’s direct ongoing experience of kriyāvatī siddhi, kundalini energy manifesting as haṭha yoga. The inherent characteristics of this expression, such as smooth rhythmical breath, spinal waves, relaxation-in-action, and economy of movement, result in a seamless flow ~ the unification of prāṇāyāma and mudrā with dynamic and sustained āsana to create greater flow of prāṇa. TriYoga sequences have been systematized from Basics to Level 7 into a comprehensive method. Ultimately, TriYoga is merging with the inner flow, universal energy.

For more information about TriYoga and Kaliji,
please visit TriYoga® International.

About TriYoga Classes

Class Structure

Breathe into yogaflow, surrender to the inner flow, and deepen into the stillness of OM.

TriYoga Basics

Awaken the body through practicing the foundations of āsana, prāṇāyāma, and mudrā. Gain understanding of the principles of yogaflow.

Level 1 Yogaflow

Engage a stronger, evenly paced yogaflow. Draws on TriYoga Basics while introducing more demanding āsana and kriyā forms.

Prana Vidyā

Discover knowledge of life energy through the understanding of breath control, yoga phylosophy, subtle anatomy.

Class Structure


Every class begins and ends with the breath. Through the breath, we connect relaxed body to focused mind--creating union of the base trinity of TriYoga.

Āsana -- Yogaflow

Breath then takes us into movement--letting the breath breathe each movement. Instruction of breath, alignment cues, and how to flow with natural alignment are given. Throughout the practice, we sustain the trinity of relaxed body, full rhythmical breath, and focused mind. There is no going beyond an edge. We work with our body's current capabailities––paying attention to our limits, sustaining relaxation in action, and moving towards maximum stretch without strain.

Everything is demonstrated. Guidance is given slowly and methodically allowing time for breath and focus as we flow through each āsana. Students are encouraged to watch the flow liberally to aid in embodiment of the practice. Students also receive direct attention and are given suggestions to increase awareness and deepen all aspects of the flow.

Yoga Nidra

The flow ends in tranquility, deep relaxation--given the mind space to dive wakefully deep inside while the body restores and integrates the yogaflow.

Pratyāhāra, Dhāraṇā, Dhyāna

We gently flow to a comfortable, supported seated position, and begin breathing practices to further center the mind and deepen focus. With inward focus, we increase concentration through mental visualization synchronized with the breath. Finally, we relax into meditation with a quiet, calm, and focused mind.

TriYoga Basics

Great for beginners new to TriYoga or yoga in general. For those with previous yoga experience, basics helps strengthen foundations and increases awareness of the subtleties of yogaflow.

Basics is the necessary foundation for all classes. It is also a complete practice in itself.

Each level of TriYoga is organized into five separate series of yogaflows. Each series takes on the energetic qualities of the five basic elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space.


The Earth series of Basics is practiced entirely on the back. If you are new to TriYoga or even yoga in general, this is where we begin.


The Water series has us prone on hands and knees and on our belly. We build upper body strength and increase coordination. Rhythmic flow incorporating spinal waves is introduced.


The Fire series builds on the strength of water--guiding us to standing postures. The whole body actively engages to move and sustain natural alignment.


The Air series dives into the intricacies of spinal and other smaller movements. We find strength and freedom with less effort.


The Space series embodies relaxation in action. Relaxation is key to every opening. We discover where wemake effort where none is needed and let it all go.


Level 1 Yogaflow

For those familiar with TriYoga Basics or have other previous yoga experience, Level 1 provides a stronger yoga practice. With even pacing, we flow from one āsana to the next--observing economy of movement and precision. After combinations of kriyā, we sustain āsana and then flow on.

Each yogaflow is divided into four parts or seasons. We begin in spring––warming up the whole body. Then we strengthen and expand in summer. We deepen further in Autumn––using our strength to find even greater flexibility and opening. Winter prepares the body for deep relaxation––encouraging our energy to flow upward towards our higher energy centers.

Pace yourself as needed to maintain relaxed body, full rhythmical breath, and focused mind. You are always welcome to flow to child or pause for a breath in any āsana before continuing on.

Feel free to pause and watch the demonstration at anytime to understand an āsana or complete segment of flow. Work on refining technique. TriYoga uses natural movements of the body including spinal waves to facilitate smooth flow from one āsana to the next. Eventually, the flow moves inside, technique falls away, and we surrender to the continual bliss of yogaflow. 

Prāṇa Vidyā

The breath is the manifestation of Prāna, life energy, within our body. Through practicing specific breathing techniques coupled with learning and understanding yoga philosophy and subtle anatomy, we tap into our creativity and intuition. Prāṇa Vidyā helps improve physical health, mental clarity and inner peace.

Students sit on the floor or in a chair. Maintaining a grounded base and elongated spine are the goal. Guidance is given on how to properly sit to sustain a relaxed body. With the body settled, the mind can focus more deeply on the qualities of the breath and nuances of each technique.

Each level of Prāṇa Vidyā contains seven sections that guide the body, breath, and mind towards surrendering to subtle awareness and bliss.

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